Monday, November 10

Private Revelations and the END TIMES (Part I)


Roman Catholics are now within the last days of the Liturgical Year, with its Gospel narratives about the “End Times”. Considering that eschatology is a very special and rarely discussed aspect of theology concerning the final events of mankind’s history, our priests’ forthcoming homilies on these Gospel passages with their own personal interpretations and emphasis, will probably be widely divergent from one another.

But for many Catholics today such as yours truly, the growing sensus fidelium of eschatology has been greatly influenced by Our Lady’s 1917 faith-enhancing yet sternly admonishing prophecies at Fatima where her appearances have been officially accepted as authentic by the Church Magisterium. For it reminds conversant Catholics, especially those familiar with the Legion of Mary’s Catena Legionis about “Who is She that cometh forth like the morning rising, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, (yet) TERRIBLE as an army set in battle array?

Since then up to very recently, many and almost exactly similar private revelations IN SUBSTANCE have occured. But none of these have been granted any official Church-wide acceptance nor rejection. However some individual Bishops’ official endorsements and imprimaturs have already declared that belief in those revelations to be at least, NOT contrary to any of the Church’s official teachings. What is more significant however, is that these other post-Fatima sources all invariably CORROBORATE the Blessed Virgin Mary’s Fatima messages, such as those from Agnes Sasegawa of Akita in Japan, whose revelations from Our Lady have inspired many conversions and life-changing apostolates. A very good example is such as that of Fr. Bing Arellano of EWTN and his Alliance of Two Hearts Foundation.

The primary eschatological message at Fatima was that the ultimate triumph of Mary’s Immaculate Heart and the subsequent reign of Our Lord’s Sacred Heart would take place within the foreseeable future, but only after a period of purification albeit cum chastisement. Such prophesied widespread purification of the faithful but terrible chastisement of the obdurately wicked, have become the usual targets of skepticism and cynicism.

And so we shall consider a few of these Fatima-related private revelations, namely:

1. The mid-20th century visionary Maria Valtorta’s Poem of the Man-God (serialized in this website as authorized by the publisher Centro Valtortiano Editoriale) and her related book by the same publisher on The End Times;

2. Italian priest Rev. Fr. Stefano Gobbi’s 604 messages spread over some 25 years since 1973, coming from Our Lady as published under the wellknown “Blue Book” entitled Our Lady Speaks to Her Beloved Priests, and

3. The 8-Volume (booklets) with the Philippine Imprimatur of retired Jesuit Bishop Federico Escaler, S.J. and published by Direction For Our Times. The VOLUMES contain very recent messages from God the Father, Jesus Christ, Our Lady and other Saints, as were revealed by direct dictation or locution to “Anne” an Irish mother and visionary. And unsurprisingly, just like Mary the Magdalene, Maria Valtorta, or the three child visionaries at Fatima, or Bernadette Soubirous of Lourdes, the Greek Orthodox lady Vasulla Ryden and our own homegrown visionary Teresing Castillo of Lipa in the 1950s, the credibility of “Anne” and even her personal integrity have been viciously attacked by the usual skeptics. Thus these visionaries have invariably suffered such controversies as their own heavy crosses to bear and offer to Our Lord.

A fourth CORROBORATIVE source, I have selected, Tell My People, is the least known compared to the above three others. How it found its way to my modest personal library, I still do not know. But apparently it came from the CBCP’s National Office of Mass Media. When I inquired from the office of Mass Media, it was my good old, nay very old spiritual and intellectual mentor over the last 60 years, James B. Reuter, S.J. who answered me and sent the following reply in his inimitable handwriting:

August 10, 2006

Thursday, 10:00 am


Pax Christi,

Tell My People” came from Ed Carter, S.J., a Jesuit from the Chicago (U.S.) Province. If you notice, the “IMPRIMATUR” came from the Jesuit Provincial of the Chicago Province.

Carter was leading a movement for priests, called: “Shepherds of Christ!”. He was sending all his publications to me, and I was passing them on to your ever-loving brother, TOTI – because that was exactly what he was doing! He (Toti) felt that the weak point of the Church was the priesthood! He was, at that time, very active (as the National Director) with the “Marian Movement for Priests.” (Note: Fr. Antonio B. Olaguer,S.J. a Bicolano died on September 17, 2001, the Feast of Our Lady of Peñafrancia in Bicolandia)

He and Ed Carter were kindred souls.

Tell My People” was printed by Reza Badiee a Muslim, whom I baptized. His press was called “Peimon Press” after his eldest son Peimon.

When you say that the messages are consistent with the messages given to “Anne”, you could also say: “Perfectly consistent with everything that Toti was doing, and everything that he was teaching!” Also consistent with your “Light A Fire II”.

If Toti had written his book (Waiting for the Lord which was already endorsed by Cardinal Sin and Vidal but condemned as full of Mariolatry by the Jesuit Censor/Provincial in 2002) in Chicago, the Provincial of Chicago would have made it compulsory reading for all the Jesuits in his Province.

What it means, Ed, is that Paul VI, John Paul II, and Benedict XVI have all been dead-right. And if we want to follow Christ Our Lord, we have to march in their footsteps.

Which is what you are doing!


Jim Reuter, S.J.

Papa Bear


And so that letter of Papa Bear now comes in handy, providentially I believe, because of this blog writter’s recent theological tussles with those 14 Ateneo PhD-degreed professors (Guevara et al) and former Philippine Jesuit Provincial Joaquin G. Bernas, S.J. on the related moral issues surrounding condoms, IUDs, contraceptives and medical abortion by abortificients – all of which have been resoundingly condemned with dire warnings of eternal perdition against their promoters, by all the above private revelations.

Thus a common theme of all these private revelations is Our Lord’s and Our Lady’s repeated observations that the moral wickedness born of self-idolatry and paganism considered as “modern”, has grown from bad to worse. And now it is already EVIL of unallowable disastrousness despite God’s infinite mercy but perfect justice.

Thus too did Pope Benedict XVI plead with some 250,000 French audience during his recent visit marking the 150th Anniversary of the Marian Apparitions at Lourdes:

“Has not our modern world created its own idols? Has it not initiated perhaps inadvertently, the pagans of antiquity, by diverting man from his true end, from the joy of living eternally with God? … Have not worry, the thirst for possessions, for power and even for knowledge, diverted man from his True Destiny, from the truth about himself?

(Part II to follow)