Tuesday, December 8



Feast of the Immaculate Conception

December 8, 2009



It is quite ironic that Catholic Christendom throughout the world today, celebrates and honors an immaculately conceived woman who is “full of grace”. And yet here in the Philippines we now seem to be endlessly bogged down with leaders conceived in graft and corruption, and thus forever “full of greed”!

Coincidentally, a Catholic religious priest-friend of mine has recently sought my comments, hopefully to sort his way out of his own quandary and embarrassment over contrasting reactions including near-blasphemous statements in the news media coming from his brother priests and various bishops concerning a most powerful albeit uniquely small lady. She it is who is singlemindedly aiming to become the next Speaker of our House of Representatives, DESPITE being for more than nine years already, not only the de facto speaker but the most reviled President of our nation EVER!

Well, now that an even more factually and legally complicated issue has suddenly surfaced vis-à-vis martial law which has been proclaimed over the province of Maguindanao, I suspect that my Franciscan priest-friend’s quandary and embarrassment might be exacerbated by NAÏVE and/or IMPRUDENT statements on the matter coming from a few of our habitually voluble-in-media Catholic bishops.

Furthermore, I too will disappoint my priest-friend because I for one would not be capable of marshalling the necessary yet DELIBERATELY HIDDEN facts and circumstances underlying that small woman’s REAL MOTIVE in wanting to be the next Speaker. The truth could be much WORSE than what I suspect it to be! And much less would I be able to DISCERN and DISTILL any hitherto undisclosed RELIGIOUS FAITH or PUBLIC MORAL ISSUES (other than the age-old paganistic ADDICTION TO POWER and political self-preservation) that are involved and are IMPORTANT ENOUGH such that even our Catholic bishops should weigh-in publicly over the matter.

IN CONTRAST the issue of MARTIAL LAW, even if only in “Maguindanao as of now” is at least a HUNDRED TIMES more FACTUALLY and LEGALLY complicated. Thus it is far more important than a small woman’s politically self-destructive and last minute desperate attempt to survive the expected horrendous judgment of our BLIGHTED nation. And so I suppose bishops should leave this most recently developing tragic complexity to others more capable and qualified to sort out if they still can, BEFORE it blows up in the face of that very same small lady would-be Speaker. For in truth she is the single most accountable and BLAME-WORTHY public official whose brazenly corrupt political and financial CODDLING of a whole tribe of FRANKENSTEINS have brought Maguindanao and MINDANAO to the brink of imploding and/or exploding anytime NOW.

And so I beg our Catholic bishops, please, not to further complicate the confusion of our people by suppressing their own urge to publicize their premature personal opinions on this obviously POLITICAL and LEGAL issue of martial law. They should wait UNTIL they are reasonably certain about the real facts and over-ridingly relevant faith/moral principles IF ANY, underlying such an ESSENTIALLY political-legal controversy. For it would be far far better for their own credibility as pastors and moral guardians, to be SILENT when UNSURE or out of their element, than to be quick-on-the-draw but DISCORDANT and thus DISCREDITING THE ENTIRE MYSTICAL BODY OF CHRIST….

But more importantly I dare say: our Catholic bishops will ultimately be able to arrive consistently at a comprehensively Catholic yet credible even if controversial, PUBLIC declaration on the faith and moral aspects of any TRULY IMPORTANT national issue, ONLY for as long as a clear and cohesive MAJORITY among THEMSELVES are personally and habitually attuned to the same basic theological, ecclesial and philosophical MOORINGS, coupled with a truly PRAYER-FILLED MARIAN spirituality, in solidarity with their first-among-equal brother, the Bishop of Rome, Peter’s Successor!

For as of now, Heaven Help the Philippines, perhaps only a FEW but still TOO MANY of our Catholic Bishops are certainly NOT LOYAL ENOUGH to the perennial teachings of the SOLID MAGISTERIAL AUTHORITY of those whom God has anointed over the past two millenia as Bishops of Rome. And so as a DIRECT RESULT, far more TOO MANY of their own teaching Catholic FACULTY within their dioceses, including Catholic priests of wellknown Catholic religious orders, are openly teaching moral and theological FALSEHOODS with utter IMPUNITY to our unwary Catholic children, including the young would-be-priests and nuns, especially in our own biggest, most prestigious and supposedly Catholic schools, seminaries and universities. Shades of the prophesied great apostasy during the coming end times!

So sad, and yet so true. And so in this 21st century prophesying end-of-epoch phase of human history, Our Lady “full of grace” has continuously prophesying as far back as some 92 years ago in Fatima, Portugal that her faithful devotees who have been consecrated to her Immaculate Heart, particularly her beloved truly Christ-centered Catholic priests and bishops, shall lead the loyal remnants of Christ’s Mystical Body into a new heaven and a new earth, in a total and PERMANENT victory with Jesus Christ as the Returning King.

Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus come…

Friday, July 3

LESSON ON BASIC THEOLOGY: From the Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta


It was my first visit to a Home for the Sick and Dying Destitutes run by the Missionaries of Charity (MC), a relatively new congregation of religious nuns founded by Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta a little more than half a century ago.

I was invited last Wednesday for that visit by a friend Runy Sarda together with a group of his Fildravo Engineering employees, headed by his HR Manager Nelia Ganzon. Fildravo had been helping out every Wednesday in preparing and serving lunch to dying or soon-to-die destitutes there at the MC community Formation House compound in Tayuman, Tondo.

I saw Mother Teresa’s nuns unhurriedly yet lovingly taking care of their poorest of the poor soon-to-die wards, AS IF these destitutes were their closest of kith and kin or most intimate friends. This seemingly unbelievable behavior was soon clearly explained to me as to what their motives were and as to why the MC congregation had been fantastically flourishing worldwide. For why would they and even their millions of admirers like those Fildravo executives, so spontaneously take care of these destitutes to the extent of feeding them like their own babies, especially those who could not use their own hands and had to chew their food so very slowly?

The full explanation was just a few steps away from the working nuns. For another group of their confreres on their knees upon a cement floor, was reciting the Holy Rosary very slowly with obvious fervor. They were praying before the Blessed Sacrament exposed in a monstrance! Now and then, one of them would bow down to the floor at least TWICE before leaving the Chapel and the Rosary-praying group, in order to go back to work, and be promptly replaced by another nun who just came back from work!

Ora et labora cum amore! From Jesus Christ Himself who spent forty days in the desert praying and fasting, wondrously emulated by those solitary contemplative monks in the deserts of Palestine and Syria such as St. Anthony, and by the monastic example of St. Benedict at Monte Cassino, thereafter by St. Francis of Assisi, and some 2,000 years later by Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta and her disciples – they all have been reminding us throughout the ages that with God’s love in Jesus Christ as our motive for apostolic work, nothing is impossible!.

But without such Christian faith and love, everything and every poor helpless person would be looked upon as merely economic utilitarian objects. That is why without some level of spiritual conversion, the anti-life Reproductive Health Bill’s supporters in Congress or even those so-called ‘Catholic School’ theology professors, will remain obstinately blind. Blind they will be, to the supernatural reality of the transcendent preciousness of unborn human lives, who like our dying destitutes are all gifted by God with priceless immortal souls in His own image and likeness, and for all of whom His Son Jesus Christ suffered and died on the Cross.

And so these nuns of the Missionaries of Charity do not actively much less publicly solicit donations to fund their works of charity. Neither do they advertise what they are doing. In fact it is prohibited to take live pictures of themselves and their beneficiaries. They depend mostly on spontaneously inspired volunteers, donated goods and dribbles of money from thousands of admirers such as Runy Sarda. So they pray and work and thus flourish like the original and still faithful Carmelite contemplatives of St. Teresa of Avila and similar prayerful congregations today, whether as contemplatives in strict privacy or not.

And yet the entire compound was spotlessly clean! Runy et al washed and scrubbed the dining tables together with the floor, with generous amounts of soap and water immediately after lunch was over. I was told that this was being done THREE times a day. And the beds for the sick in the wardrooms with their immaculate bedsheets were even more of a marvel to me when I peeked in, afraid to dirty the super-hygienic floor with my shoes.

Talking to Runy’s brother Moti, who had recently been initiated to such tables-and-floor scrubbing routine after many years of a very comfortable life-style in Florida near Tiger Wood’s estate, he whispered to me with a moist eye: “After only 3 Wednesdays like these, it has become a reality check for me. My own problems now seem miniscule…”

It is also well known that the number of their new postulants and novices from far and wide are growing by leaps and bonds, such that they already have some 20 still growing MC communities just in the Philippines alone. Plus about a hundred professed Filipino sisters assigned abroad!

Yes indeed, it must be true that “In everything, God works for the good of those who love Him, whom He has called according to His plan.” (Romans 8: 28)

And so I give many thanks to Sr. Mary John Vianney, MC, of the Immaculate Heart of Mary community in Tayuman, Tondo for that most edifying sojourn at their oasis of love and generosity.

Catholic Xybrspace Apostolate of the Philippines
E-mail: <>

Attached is a reproduction of the providentially appropriate monthly message received from the Lay Apostles of Jesus Christ the Returning King, sent by the office of former Ambassador Howard Dee c/o the Assisi Development Foundation, Unit 503-506, Prestige Tower, Ortigas Center. <>

Monthly message as given to Anne, a lay apostle.
Lay Apostolate
ViewThursday, July 2, 2009 9:43:42 AM
To:The Secretariat

On the first of every month, Our Lord gives Anne a new message about His call to service.July 1. 2009JesusMy dear apostles, how grateful you will be that I have given you these opportunities to serve. You will look back at your time on earth and you will see that the opportunities I gave to you to serve others as apostles, were truly My greatest acts of mercy to you. You see that My service requires sacrifice. You see that often My service causes you suffering and perhaps you think that it would be easier to live your life without such a call to serve. It is true that often by rejecting My call to service in a day, you can diminish your immediate suffering. I acknowledge this truth. It is evident to all that service to Jesus Christ comes with an enhanced call to sacrifice. While I acknowledge this, I ask that you, too, acknowledge this. You are giving Me your day and I am then taking you from things that would give you instant gratification and asking you to delay gratification for the sake of others. It can appear in these moments of your life, that you are giving something up. What you do not see is that the more you serve Me and the more you abandon yourself to My call, the more grace you receive. You are giving up earthly pleasures and receiving a constant stream of heavenly pleasures. Compare the two. Earthly pleasures last for moments. Heavenly pleasures last for eternity. Perhaps you do not understand the difference. Only in heaven will you have complete understanding but let it be noted that heavenly pleasures come through you, blessing you, and then spread out, blessing all those around you. Your soul is open to receiving heavenly graces, not just for you but for the whole world. Imagine how beautiful a soul looks to heaven when that soul is an open recipient of heavenly graces. Thank you for helping heaven. Thank you for helping those around you. And thank you for helping Me. Regardless of your suffering and regardless of your sacrifices, there will be a moment when you will thank Me for allowing you to participate in this, My renewal.
-- Lay Apostles of Jesus Christ the Returning KingDirection for Our Times - Manila SecretariatAssisi Development FoundationUnit 503-506, Prestige Tower,F. Ortigas Jr. Road, Ortigas CenterPasig City 1605Tel. No. (02) 632-1001 to 03Fax No. (02) 632-7844www.mariansolidarity.com

Monday, June 29

Letter Reply to Tom Borromeo



Letter Reply to Tom Borromeo

From: Ed Olaguer

To: Tom Borromeo

Monday, June 29, 2009

cc: Paul Horrigan ; Tony Roxas ; Manny Amador ; PV Beley ; Dicky Boncan ; "gooseling2002@yahoo.com"

Fr. Christian Saminal ; Fr. Greg Gaston ; Fr. Joey Paras ; Fr. Jun Bermejo ; Fr. Paulo CRS ; Fr. Ramon Merino ; Fr. Renato Oliveros ; Fr. Cayo Estrada ; Fr. Richie Santos ; Fr. Ted Milan Torralba ; Fr. Zen Taufik ; "tingsdb@yahoo.com" ; rodney hart ; "lruthocampo@yahoo.com" ; "riveral_b@dlsu.edu.ph"

Subject: 26 U.P. Law Professors Support RH Bill

Dear Tom et al:

There you go again dear Tomas Borromeo, disturbing my peace and ­­­­­­­­­equanimity this fine Monday morning of the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul…

Levity aside, yes I was already much disturbed upon reading the same news article last weekend, considering that I am a post jubilarian U.P. graduate, circa that historic period of Jesuit Father John P. Delaney’s chaplaincy at Diliman as the icon par excellence for our U.P. Students Catholic Action (UPSCA) and faculty community.

The RH Bill and the Philippines of today is I believe, mirrored in microcosm by our UPSCA’s running battles in Diliman against the U.P. Board of Regents in their definition of academic freedom and separation of Church vs. State, all of which smacked of liberal utilitarian humanism laced with anti-clerical motives.

Upon reflection on those seemingly halcyon days of my youth, in comparison to today’s national moral confusion worse compounded and confounded everyday, let me share with you Father Delaney’s battle plan so to speak, for UPSCA in those days.

Yes he constantly taught us through his daily homilies, lectures and weekly campus newsletter (U.P. Chizmiz), how to use every available logical and faith-based argument vis-a-vis the faith-and-moral issues confronting us in those days, e.g. hazing, loyalty to the teachings of Holy Mother Church, love of country, cheating in class, premature frequent dating leading sooner or later to physical intimacies between boys and girls, and of course many issues related to U.P.s much vaunted “academic freedom” for its professors and overall policy of liberal utilitarian humanism

For the superficial minded observants of Father Delaney’s activities as Catholic Chaplain at the Diliman campus, his often fierce and uncompromising yet elementary logic with Catholic faith-based arguments, with some isolated acerbic asides, (e.g. the “pachydermic” sensibilities and lack of “cerebral capacity” among his habitual critics), must have seemed to be his only albeit effective weapon offered to us UPSCANs for our arsenal as young and militant Catholic defenders of and witnesses to our Catholic Faith.

And yet for every hour he spent arguing against his adversaries, he must have spent a thousand times more time, unrelenting energy and wisdom while exhorting us his flock to be always “centered in Christ” to the level of “heroic virtue”. Thus he urged us to concentrate more on “being” in Christ, not only as much but even more than “doing and working” for God, through Jesus Christ as God, and particularly for the poor and oppressed because they were trulyour brethren in Christ”.

Thus he used every formal and informal opportunity, even during our person-to-person chit-chats, to urge us to begin our days and live the rest of the day with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, through our conciousness of the “Holy Eucharist in us” and devotion to Our Lady and Her Rosary. And so John Delaney even counted the number of daily and Sunday consumption of the Sacred Host. These numbers rapidly increased throughout the eight years of his chaplaincy, such that more than a dozen other Jesuit Fathers from Chabanel Hall (Jesuit refugees from Red China) and from the Ateneo, were eventually required to help him out regularly. Yes, the young Fathers Reuter, Gough and Horacio de la Costa were among those 5-star Jesuit priests assisting Father Delaney, particularly in distributing Holy Communion to vast numbers of Holy Mass participants, and hearing Confessions everyday.

Reading Tom’s email early this morning, I must confess, momentarily depressed me. For I was again reminded that we lay Catholics who are publicly and consistently opposed to the RH Bill are pitifully so few.

And yet Tom’s message soon nudged me back to a decent level of resurgent courage. For it reminded me once again of the spiritual and supernatural essence of Father Delaney’s battle plan for us UPSCANs some sixty years ago. It also brought back today’s Gospel to my attention.

In today’s Gospel reading, Christ pointedly emphasized to Peter, that it was not “flesh and blood” (e.g. mere human reasoning, much less liberal utilitarian humanism) that led Peter to profess who Jesus truly was (i.e. the true God and true man) but “my Father in Heaven” who gave Peter that gift of faith in Jesus.

But I must however ‘blame’ Tom Borromeo for also reminding me, even if indirectly, to plead with our clergy, especially our Bishops and particularly those in Metro Manila who have the prime duty and jurisdiction in enforcing Ex Corde Ecclesia on our so-called ‘Catholic’ schools, universities and seminaries, thusly: “To preach continuously, discuss, reiterate, edify, be at the disposal of everyone – it is an enormous responsibility, a great weight, an immense effort.” (St. Augustine of Hippo, Sermon 339, 4)

And so albeit belatedly, thank you most sincerely, dear Tom Borromeo!

Ed Olaguer

P.S. Here below is the subject “highly disturbing” e-mail from our pesky Tom Borromeo

FW: ABS-CBN News: 26 UP Law Profs Support RH Bill

Tomas Borromeo

Dear Frs., all,

Now we know the ‘slippery slope’ of heterodoxy our dear departed Bro. Andrew at DLSU
and Frs. Tanseco, Genilo (Genovesi) et al, got their ‘Catholic’ institutions into.

They mask all of these abominations w/ terms like ‘loyal dissent,’ ‘informed choice,’ and
their most favourite, “ACADEMIC FREEDOM.”

To paraphrase Bro. Andrew: “What is keeping De La Salle from being a ‘world-class’ institution
of learning is her being Catholic!”

DLSU accepted a Ford Foundation grant and thus ‘sold her (Catholic) soul...’

Let us move that ALL PHILIPPINE CATHOLIC UNIVERSITES, COLLEGES, SCHOOLS FOLLOW: (Ex Corde Ecclesiae document attached)







------ Forwarded Message

Subject: Re: ABS-CBN News: 26 UP Law Profs Support RH Bill

Dear Everyone,

Here are some historical tidbits that could shed light on how and why the UP professors so easily lent their endorsement to the RH Bill. You see, PLCPD is not the only black hole in the RH constellation. Some of you will remember "REPROCEN" from way back 1996.

The "Reproductive Health, Rights and Ethics Center for Studies and Training" was the pioneering work of Prof. ALFREDO F. TADIAR , who in 1996 "undertook extensive research into the legal and constitutional provisions on reproductive rights and abortion. His work provided the legal basis for the promotion of women's reproductive rights, of which he was a firm advocate". He started out as Director of a Ford Foundation-funded, 3-year project to set up and make operational a centre that "focused on questions of legal and medical ethics related to reproductive health". He served as the first Executive Director of the pioneering Center for Research, Studies and Training on Reproductive Health, Rights and Ethics (REPROCEN) as a joint project of the UP Colleges of Law and Medicine. Like Dr Juan Flavier, he had received extensive support from the UNFPA and the USAID and other US/EU front orgs and foreign interest groups for projects on family planning, population control, population management, reproductive rights, "IEC/M", etc. It is not surprising that REPROCEN very rapidly acquired an international character. He was designated as International Adviser to the Board of Trustees of the International Women's Health Coalition based in New York. Since the 1980s, he has served at various times as Chairman or Member of the Board of Directors of two other Philippine NGOs—the Women's Health Care Foundation and Institute for Social Studies and Action. His wife FLORENCE TADIAR is a household name in Philippine abortion advocacy. [ NB: All this was happening during the pro-abortion Clinton Administration (1993-2001), but continued well into the Bush years. ]

In collaboration with Ex-Cong. NEREUS ACOSTA (of PLCPD & AFPPD ),
Prof. Tadiar was able to infiltrate his redefinitions of reproductive ethics into Catholic institutions and universities like AdMU and DLSU through 'academic' conferences and seminars on ethics and law. For example, Tadiar worked closely with DLSU sociology Prof. PILAR RAMOS JIMENEZ , then coordinator of the Task Force on Social Science and Reproductive Health. The overt aim of Prof. Jimenez' (likewise Ford Foundation-funded) task force to coordinate NGOs for the promotion of RH; the covert aim was to advocate the legalization of abortion in the Philippines . The RH task force held office in the DLSU Social Development Research Center, Behavioral Science Department where she was Dean.

Upon Tadiar's retirement, Prof. ELIZABETH AGUILING-PANGALANGAN , wife of ex-Dean Raul C. Pangalangan, assumed Chairmanship of REPROCEN. She authored "Reproductive health, rights, and their progeny: norms in case and statute law" and masterminded the filing of charges against former Manila Mayor Atienza. She is the central RH advocate in UP Law today. MORE .

REPROCEN began in Malcolm Hall at UP Diliman, but it has now gone "global", with its main offices in Wall Street, New York City.


Here is a sampling of landmark academic papers pushed during REPROCEN's early years in the Philippines:

Tadiar, Alfredo F. The Limits of Protection to the Life of the Unborn. Quezon City, Philippines: Institute for Social Studies and Action, 1993.

Ramos Jimenez, P., and Yadao, P.M.P., eds. Participatory Research in Sexuality and Reproductive Health. Manila: Social Development Research Center, De La Salle University, 1993.

62:30303 Tadiar, Florence M.; Robinson, Elizabeth T. Legal, ethical and regulatory aspects of introducing emergency contraception in the Philippines. International Family Planning Perspectives, Vol. 22, No. 2, Jun 1996. 76-80
pp. New York, New York. In Eng. "This article describes the complex influences of regulatory laws, religion, politics and ethics on the provision of emergency contraception in one large developing nation -- the Philippines, which has no law specifically governing the use of emergency contraception. Although emergency methods are little-known in the country, several factors suggest that they may be well suited to the Philippines."

Correspondence: F. M. Tadiar, University of the Philippines, College of Public Health, Manila, Philippines. Location:Princeton University Library (SPR).


The strategy we see here is a standard component of Planned Parenthood social engineering ops. It involves taking and holding the academic high ground by invoking academic freedom. They can mess around like magicians every which way behind the academic wall -- before the show begins. In the end, there's nothing true. It's all sleight-of-hand. Or perhaps we should say sleight-of-mind, intellectual conjurements.

The UP Profs are Tadiar's peers and proteges. They are professors of (supposedly) the most prestigious college of law in the Philippines, but who appear to be betraying Philippine sovereignty by allowing themselves -- through REPROCEN's influence -- to be utterly beholden to foreign institutions and governments. They tout the Philippine Constitution, but have not the diligence to read the proceedings thereof in order to grasp what it truly contemplates. They should have exerted due diligence before signing their pro-RH manifesto, for in doing so, they have given a very bad name to UP Law, which is now downgraded in the minds of many to no more than a school of sloppy investigation, sophistry and subterfuge.

Eventually, magic's greatest secrets will be revealed!


PS: These are the enemies we are called to love. The first step is understanding who they are and where they are coming from.


2009/6/26 Melvin Castro fr_melvin@yahoo.com

Most certainly, we cannot let our guards down. We may have won this round, but we will never know what they might come up with Congress resumes session after the SONA.

We ask our lay faithful most especially to form "core family groups" in your areas to continue the formation and education (or re-education). On our part, the priests would continue to strengthen the Family and Life ministries.

We beg our Family and Life groups to consider, really consider, entering into the mass media apostolate. Contemporary families and contemporary generation are greately and/or gravely influenced by mass media.

And of course, we pray, begging Our Lady, Mediatrix of All-Grace, to obtain true conversion for all.

And please do not forget to pray for us priests, it's the Year for Priests...

Fr. Melvin

--- On Fri, 6/26/09, Manny Arejola <angatingkanlungan2010@gmail.com> wrote:

From: Manny Arejola
Subject: Re: ABS-CBN News: 26 UP Law Profs Support RH Bill
To: "Rosie
Date: Friday, June 26, 2009, 7:14 AM

Dear Rosie:

I do not know any of this people, so I do not know how to tell them that they endorsed a deadly formula to destroy our women. But if you know any of these people, kindly transmit this note to them.



To these 26 UP Bigots, isang tanong lang: BINASA BA NINYO ANG HB 5043?

I bet you, none of you ever did! I bet you nagtiwala lamang kayo sa paglulubid ng buhangin ni San Pascual!

Nakoryente kayo ni San Pascual tulad ng pagkakakoryente niya sa mga Obispo at mga Pastor na Evangelical!

Sayang. Isinugal ninyo ang inyong pangalan para sa isang panukalang batas reminiscent of the years of Martial Law!

Pati ba naman kayo sasali pa sa kabalbalan ni mercenary San Pascual? How much did San Pascual promise you of the P5B Lagman is trying to suck out of the system?

On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 1:53 PM, Rosie B. Luistro <rbluistro@gmail.com > wrote:

26 UP Laws Profs support RH Bill
26 UP law profs support RH bill
Created 06/24/2009 - 15:44

Moves to pass House Bill 5043 or the "Reproductive Health and Population and Development Act of 2009" continued to gain momentum as 26 faculty members including former deans of the University of the Philippines College of Law issued a statement in support of the proposed measure.

The faculty members who recently signed the position paper, are expressing their full support for the passage of the controversial legislation.

"We believe that the bill supports Constitutionally guaranteed State obligations to protect and promote the right to health of the Filipino people. It brings to life the ideals of equality, justice, and respect for human dignity that lie at the core of our fundamental law by guaranteeing that all Filipinos have access to quality information and services in reproductive health," the statement read.

"Amid pervasive socio-economic inequality, the availability and accessibility of reproductive health care is an indispensable step towards improving the quality of life of millions of Filipinos," it added.

The 26 UP College of Law professors are Froilan M. Bacungan, Merlin M. Magallona, Raul C. Pangalangan, Marvic F. Leonen, Elizabeth Aguiling-Pangalangan, Araceli Baviera, Eduardo A. Labitag, Myrna S. Feliciano, Domingo Disini, Carmelo Sison, Rowena Daroy Morales, H. Harry Roque, Ibarra M. Gutierrrez III, JJ Disini, E. Leo Battad, Florin T. Hilbay, Rommel J. Casis, Tristan Catindig, Jose C. Laureta, Concepcion Lim Jardeleza, Antonio M.Santos, Carol Ruiz-Austria, Rafael Morales, Rowena V. Guanzon, Alfred Molo III and Stephanie Gomez-Somera.

Ramon San Pascual, Executive Director of the Philippine Legislators Committee on Population and Development Foundation, Inc. (PLCPD) lauded the law professors, who in the face of heavy opposition of Catholic hierarchy against the bill have bravely acknowledged not only the constitutionality but also the very humane character of this proposed measure.

"Despite what happened on the last days of Congressional session where the RH bill was bypassed by other less important issues, particularly by ConAss resolution, we remain confident and steadfast that this bill will become a law soon. And we find inspiration from people who continuously express their support and clamor for the passage of the bill," he said in a statement.

He said advocates of HB5043 are pushing for the bill's passage once the 3rd regular session starts in July.

"Activities to make lawmakers understand the urgency of passing the bill are already lined-up, RH advocates are still holding on to Speaker Prospero Nograles' promise that they will vote on this bill under this Congress," he said.

Below is the full statement from the UP College Faculty of Law


We, the undersigned faculty members of the University of the Philippines College of Law, in our capacity as lawyers, educators, and citizens, express our full support for the Reproductive Health Bill (HB 5043) currently pending in the House of Representatives.

We believe that the bill supports constitutionally guaranteed State obligations to protect and promote the right to health of the Filipino people. It brings to life the ideals of equality, justice, and respect for human dignity that lie at the core of our fundamental law by guaranteeing that all Filipinos have access to quality information and services in reproductive health. Amid pervasive socio-economic inequality, the availability and accessibility of reproductive health care is an indispensable step towards improving the quality of life of millions of Filipinos.

The bill likewise serves to empower Filipino women in making informed choices about their health – decisions which ultimately affect the lives of their families and communities. Ensuring their right to equality before the law is not only crucial to the health and wellbeing of women and their families, but is also essential to assuring their effective participation in national development.

Similarly, we assert that the bill's adoption of the human rights framework in dealing with reproductive health is a welcome and long-overdue initiative that more appropriately reflects the emerging international consensus that treats the issue as one that principally involves fundamental rights, free and informed decision-making, and women's empowerment.

Contrary to the contention by some groups that the bill encroaches on religious freedom, we maintain that it does precisely the opposite. By providing citizens and their families with adequate information and a variety of options on reproductive health, the bill empowers them to make sound decisions. By enabling choice, the RH bill neither compels individuals nor families to resort to family planning methods or health interventions but rather empowers them to make sound decisions and access information and services for their health and wellbeing. This is fully consistent with the principle of mutual respect for religious differences enshrined in our constitutional order.

Apart from being fully in accordance with the precepts of our own Constitution and the principles established under international conventions, recent surveys have also indicated that the bill enjoys the support of the majority of Filipinos. There is therefore no further reason, whether legal or political, for our elected representatives in Congress to stand in the way of the bill's enactment into law, despite the continued protestations of certain interest groups.

We hereby call on both houses of Congress to immediately pass the Reproductive Health Bill and for those who have stood against its passage to summon up the wisdom to act, not on the basis of faulty assumptions or in the service of vested interests, but for the common good of the Filipino people.

Signed by 26 faculty members of the UP College of Law including former Deans Froilan M. Bacungan, Merlin M. Magallona, Raul C. Pangalangan and Dean Marvic F. Leonen, Professors Elizabeth Aguiling-Pangalangan, Araceli Baviera, Eduardo A. Labitag, Myrna S. Feliciano, Domingo Disini, Carmelo Sison, associate professors Rowena Daroy Morales, H. Harry Roque, Ibarra M. Gutierrrez III, JJ Disini, E.Leo Battad, Florin T. Hilbay, Rommel J. Casis and professorial lecturers Tristan Catindig, Jose C. Laureta, Concepcion Lim Jardeleza, Antonio M.Santos, Carol Ruiz-Austria, Rafael Morales, Rowena V. Guanzon, AlfredMolo III and Stephanie Gomez-Somera in May 2009, Quezon City, Philippines.
as of 06/24/2009 6:06 PM

------ End of Forwarded Message

Wednesday, May 27





In today’s OPINION page article of the Philippine Star is the following “love story”:

'I love you, Father Reuter'

MANILA, Philippines – I was 12 when my mother divorced my father. He was a tall, golden haired, blue eyed American, who had left California to serve in WWII and returned home proudly flourishing a delicate souvenir from the Philippine Islands.

My tiny mother, observing this new world through almond shaped eyes, saw the rest of tall, white America bending down to look at her. They would speak slowly and loudly at her, remarking to each other, “Isn’t she cute?” My mother had a PhD in English literature and did not like to be referred to as cute. After two painful decades of having to buy her shoes in children’s stores, she broke the law and with two half white daughters, escaped back to the city of her own youth: Manila.

I was not yet a teenager when we stepped off the President Wilson Ocean Liner. The intense heat, the bugs, the constant swirl and hum of laughing people was overwhelming. My mother moved quickly to hide us, and within a few weeks, my younger sister and I were installed in a Philippine Catholic girl’s school: St. Paul’s College of Manila.

It was confusing to us. We were barely religious, maybe only very slightly Catholic… at Christmas. Who was St. Paul? We were children, why were we going to a college? Ah, the confusion was only beginning.

Both of us came equipped with English and Spanish. The lingua franca was Tagalog, which we could not read, write or understand.

Both of us were much larger than the Asian girls our age. My sister was a blonde. I had long masses of curly hair. Like a slow motion dream, we were buried alive in a landslide of shimmering, pitch black tresses that flowed from the heads of tiny, graceful nymphs. These girls didn’t guffaw their laughter, they giggled demurely. They didn’t argue a point; they pursed their lips and lowered their eyes. They didn’t push or shove, they pouted and turned away slowly, lifting high one perfectly curved eyebrow. We were wildflowers blown into a hothouse of exotic orchids. They wanted to talk about love. They looked us over and asked …did we have a brother? We had no brother. Ohhh, tooooo baaaaad.

We also didn’t have the right shoes. The right socks. The right book bags.

This was the 1960’s and we’d been raised by bohemians who had encouraged us to speak our minds, ignore our appearance and argue both sides of the communist take over of Cuba.

We were American peasants in bad need of a full spa make over.

To make matters worse, we had no father. Not only had my mother married a white man, she had divorced him and come back home with two fatherless girls. This information produced a wave of deep shock that washed over everyone around us. Where is your father? Will he come to get you? Will you ever see him again? Doesn’t he love you? Does he have another wife?

My sister being younger took it more in stride and prospered, artfully winning friends with her honeyed locks and dimpled smile. I closed and toughened. My mother had managed to escape imprisonment on the wrong planet and one day, I would do the same. I was an alien who would never, ever paint her fingernails.

Then, one morning, studying alone on the stone steps of the school chapel, my life was changed forever. I looked up to see a tall man in a white cassock crossing the quadrant, Sister Nieves and Sister Joanna hurrying to keep up with him. He was talking in the loud voice of the white man, not hushing his tones for propriety sake. He was striding along purposefully like the white man, not mincing his step to accommodate the women. The bright sun on his golden, white man hair haloed him, making his approach akin to that of a brilliant comet. Was I dreaming? Was this a saint? Was I dead but didn’t know it yet? He came straight towards the chapel and hypnotized by my approaching destiny, I could not move. Looking down at me, a homeless animal crouched on the stone steps, he smiled and said; “you must be the fatherless girl”. His eyes were blue, blue, blue. This was the first white man I had seen since I’d come to the Philippines. In coloring and shape he looked startlingly like my father, whose memory had begun to evaporate within me … except for his coloring and shape.

Sister Joanna said; “her name is Lotis”.

Sister Nieves said; “Lotis, this is Father Reuter”.

I was paralyzed, like the kitten before the tiger that will consume it. Father Reuter put his large, white gold hand on my curly head and said; “come, talk to me, I’ll hear your confession”. Confession? What was that? What should I confess? That I felt ugly and stupid? That I hated this place? That I hated myself? Ignorant of the concept of personal sin, unaware of what confession was supposed to consist of, these were the things I told him.

I talked to Father Reuter that day and many, many more days over the years to come. He heard my “confession” in person every week or so, and the rest of the time I talked to him in my heart, in my dreams, in my prayers. In reality he did not treat me any differently than any other little girl. I was no special pet or favorite. I don’t know if he even thought of me at all outside the confessional. I am unaware if I ever made any particular impression on him. No. It was him who made the impression on me.

Father Reuter had been sent by the Jesuits, to the Philippines, just before WWII and wound up interned by the Japanese. At wars end, the Jesuits asked him to stay on for a bit and he did…returning to the US for a visit only once in the next 60 years. There was nothing of the effeminate about this priest. Nothing soft or flabby or repelling. His love was not vague, distant, or carefully guarded. A gruffly practical, quick tempered, get to the point! kind of priest, he could grab you by the back of the neck, give you a shake, stare you down and demand immediate love and obedience in the same instant. He was a steely eyed, unflinching priest, who rarely whispered when he could shout, loved with an iron fist, and was simultaneously feared and adored by all who knew him.

In this day of gross immorality, I don’t know if anyone can understand how, without the slightest hint of sexual impropriety, a little girl can love her priest and find her salvation through him. But it is true. Father Reuter was more than a man or a priest. He was a father.

Before I knew God in the personal way I do now, I knew Father Reuter in place of Him. Before I could accept God as my Father, Father Reuter was there to create that role for me. I was a lost child who would have been lost forever if not for this celibate male taking me for one of his children. He encouraged me to speak and communicate my thoughts. He pushed me to develop my voice. He made me understand that even if I didn’t fit in I was valuable and gifted.

After high school I went on to a life filled with many elaborate diversions. I did foolish things and I was pushed by my curly, wild nature to adventures that sorely tried all around me. I can remember times I would pause for an instant and think; “I should go to Father Reuter for advice”, but pride mixed with shame, would erase the impulse. In my heart nestled a deep fear he would be so angry at things I had done, he would no longer love me. Anyway, I was an adult now, capable of dealing with life.

I no longer needed a father of any kind.

I finally did go to see Father Reuter, but only recently, some 40 years since I had last seen him at my graduation. I am not taller than I was in high school, but bent over with age he is now shorter than I am. His slightly trembling hands and feet are misshapen with arthritis. His golden hair is gone. He was seated in a wheelchair wearing his white cassock, and when I entered he struggled to rise and kiss me. I looked into his eyes and they were blue, blue, blue. I was twelve again and struck dumb with love. I could not talk much and in his fatherly way he understood and did the talking for me. Nothing important really, just making enough sound to ease the tension and let the ghost years slip away. As time dissolved between us; the feeling of his strength, the powerful force of his love, the intensity and vigor of his fatherhood, coiled and wrapped itself around my heart, pulling me to my knees before God, in the very deepest gratitude for this man.

Dear, dear man of God. I have never said this to you but I have always wanted to: I love you Father Reuter and I always will. — Lotis Key-Kabigting

[Source: The Philippine Star (Opinion) Thusday, May 28, 2009]

There is nothing else I can truthfully add to Ms. Kabigting’s soul-stirring account of her own personal “love story” starring James B. Reuter S.J., except to say a thousand times over, “AMEN!”


Catholic Xybrspace Apostolate

of the Philippines






Fr. Reuter has written his last column on "The Philippine Star" newspaper today. For those who have not seen it - read on . He has written such a beautiful prayer in the end. He is waiting to be called, please pray for him.


I am in Our lady of Peace Hospital , on the Coastal Road , and it is really 3:00 A.M . The planes coming and going from the airport are roaring over my head.

Everything is peaceful and quiet. Even the roaring planes add to the feeling of peace and quiet.

I am ten days away from my 93rd birthday. God has been kinder to me than I deserve, giving me such a rich life, in such a beautiful country, among such gentle people. He has blessed me with so many kind, affectionate, generous loving friends.

I found that the best time for me to write was 3:00 A.M. My mind is clearer, my heart is warmer, and I am overwhelmed with the goodness of the people God sends to me.

In this column I have always tried to be positive - presenting the goodness of people, and the wisdom of God's Providence as I saw it.

I have tried to give.... to give the only thing I have to give ... Myself. I have tried to share my thoughts, my feelings, the wonderful holiness that I see in the simple, gentle people that God sends to me.

As soon as I came to the Philippines I realized that the Filipinos were the loveliest people in the world. It was a gift of God, a special blessing, that He sent me here.

I have been thanked for giving my life to the Philippines.... But whenever you give, you always get back more than you have given.

Thank you .

* for your gift of friendship through these many long years

* for reading "At 3:00 A.M.." from the time I started writing my column

* for your reactions through letters and phone calls when you liked or did not like what I wrote

* for sharing your stories which inspired me to write them so they could inspire others

* for your love and concern

*for your prayers which comfort me and which I need.

I have tried to be a priest. A priest is a bridge ...a bridge between God and man.... a channel of God's love, peace and joy.

What I have found in the Philippines is union ....union of hearts and minds... It is marked by sharing.... The simple, gentle Filipino is willing to share all he has, with everyone.

That is holiness ... That is sanctity ... That is being like God.

In heaven we will all be one - united in heart and soul .... Loving each other.

In this column written at 3:00 A.M. that was my only message ...give...give yourself.... love.

And when I presented this, I discovered what it meant, myself.

Being strong, sometimes, means being able to let go. I know that now is the time to " let go". I have been up at 3:00 A.M. to write my column for many many years. It is now time for me to stay in bed until the sun comes up and the birds start to sing.

This is not goodbye. Wherever I am, whatever I do, you are always in my heart and in my prayers. All of you.

God bless!

The song is ended ... but the melody lingers on .. and on ... and on.

I love those who have read this column...And I hope that they love me.

* * *

For those who are interested, here is my prayer that I would like to share with you.

Lord God,

Look down upon us, this day, this hour.

Regardless of what has gone before,

or what will come after,

give us the grace to consecrate this time entirely to You –

all the actions of our body and soul.

May all the thoughts that come to us be true

May all the things to which our hearts go out

be beautiful, with the beauty of God.

May all the things we want be good.

Give us the light to see Your Will,

the grace to love it

and the courage and strength to do it.

We ask you this through Christ Our Lord.


Sunday, May 24



No. 50-090525



NOTE: Ariel Querubin is a former Marine Colonel of the Armed Forces of the Philippines. Eight years ago he was recognized by the Philippine Military as most deserving of its HIGHEST POSSIBLE award for valor and leadership in the field of battle, the Medal of Valor, He is now however, languishing in a very cramped and unhealthy detention cell at Camp Aguinaldo in Quezon City, for having publicly rallied his troops and subordinate officers in support of their Marine Commanding General’s protest against corruption in government.

Recently he announced that he is running for the Senate. His handwritten letter to me is as follows:

May 8, 2009

Dear Sir Ed,

May the Peace of Christ be with you!

I have no doubt in my mind that the Lord has all the while been preparing me for public service. I was left for dead in 1989, and he allowed me to spring back to life. I have been imprisoned as a soldier, but I fully regained the honor and right to wear a soldier’s uniform after having been awarded the Medal of Valor in 2001. As my military career was very much back on track, I was again challenged to choose between right and wrong, between honor and injustice, between good and evil.

Even as we all work for a vibrant and prosperous Philippines, my dream is for every Filipino to enjoy the essence of freedom from poverty, fear, and injustice, to feel the tangible benefits of good governance, and to live comfortably in a society that fosters the unity of the family, protects human rights, and upholds the dignity of all.

I have not had an easy life. My life story has been replete with vivid encounters with injustice, poverty, corruption, and war. These painful experiences have shaped this dream. I never succumbed to the lure of material wealth. The physical, mental, and emotional hardships have been painful, but I never sold my soul.

I am fully aware that some people would insist that men in uniform should stay away from politics; that we would serve best our nation if we were fighting wars in Mindanao; that we have no business in meddling with the affairs of the state as we have been formed and trained in the rudiments of war, and not in the civil service, much less in politics. I agree but that assumes that the people who have been entrusted with the public trust have been sincere, honest, and have been true to their pledges.

As a young soldier, armed with idealism and the fire of youth, I have offered my life to defend this country from all its enemies. I have suffered long and hard for the principles that I hold dearly. Many of my loved ones have suffered with me – maybe not physically, but certainly have shared in the misery and hardships that I have endured. The fire of idealism still burns in me, but I have been wiser not to engage fire with fire.

With a lot of circumspection, I have decided to run for the Senate in 2010. I have no political pedigree. I have no political machinery. I have no financial resources. But I do have honor. I do have principles. I do have courage.

I believe I am ready to take on this new role, (and) with your prayers and support this dream is not too far-fetched. It takes the collective effort of every member of this society to make things improve for a country in disarray… a country that has been plundered… a country whose hope is running dry…

All I can do on my end, is to make the best effort possible to make society better, stand by my principles, and fight for what is right. There is hope for this country and our people; all we have to do is believe.

This I will do, if not for myself and our generation, then at least for our young children and their children. My warmest regards and God bless us all.

Mabuhay ang Pilipinas!

Sincerely yours,



Email: querubinariel@yahoo.com

Here was MY REPLY to him:

Dear Ariel:

May the Lord God, of whom you say that you have no doubt in your mind, “has all the while been preparing (you) for public service”, BLESS and INSPIRE YOU even more so. But above all, may the Lord grant you the grace to keep in your heart and follow HIS Gospel’s words and instructions FAITHFULLY ALL THE TIME, not only during your forthcoming election campaign but above all, if and when He graciously allows your truly successful election as a Senator of the Philippines.

For your trials and temptations if and when you will become a Senator, particularly those involving lust for power, money, adulation and flattery - - aside from that of the flesh – will be exponentially far more intense than whatever you may have already experienced as a Catholic Christian soldiering for the Philippine Marines.

As you well know yourself, many other prominent Catholics and/or Christians who have been so elected, or are still the top officials of our country, probably had the very same highly noble thoughts, and motivations when they first pursued their public service ambitions. But to our Nation’s collective grief and near despair, most of them have UTTERLY BETRAYED their own souls -- and more so our people, time and time again, particularly when they were already occupying the highest seats of power and influence in our government.

I dare say that you too will probably end up just like them, IF YOU WILL HAVE STRAYED AWAY from the Lord’s Gospel, into mere mouthings of seemingly pious platitudes and hypocritical public speeches.

However, ever since the few times I have visited you in prison, you have led me into again being hopeful despite having been fooled a number of times into believing other politicians or at least very disappointed with their selfish partisan antics, to say the least. I shall therefore continue to pray for you and help you to pursue your noble objectives, modest as my contribution will be in the estimation perhaps of our very materialistic society. And so, I wish and pray that HEAVEN HELP THE PHILIPPINES through Ariel O. Querubin, in one way or another…

Again, may God bless you, your loving wife Bong, your dear children as well as your loyal, sincere friends and political supporters.

Yours in the Lord,


Catholic Xybrspace Apostolate of the Philippines

To Light A Fire

“Ed Olaguer”